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Young Electric Shines Light on Local Custom Metal Artistry

In business, how often do you find a partnership that just works? Well, whether by luck or fate, we get to work with Metal Arts. To find trust, accountability, and just good hearted people in business is hard to come by, but when you do, you’re sure to hold on.

Since 1971 Metal Arts has grown from a custom metal shop into three separate companies, Metal Arts, LLC, Metal Arts Machine Company, and Metal Arts Properties. Each company has its own set of needs and obligations, but one thing remains constant - they put their employees first, and that starts with safety. And at Young Electric, safety’s in our DNA.

It all started in 2003 when Metal Arts called on us to provide a remodel of their Gordon Street Facility to accommodate growing customer demand. The remodel included connection of new shop welding equipment, including a state-of-the-art chop saw. And ever since then, we haven’t skipped a beat.

Every picture tells a story. Just one before-and-after
illumination at Metal Arts, LLC’s new building.

“Plug us in at the new place!”
When Metal Arts, LLC moved to a larger facility in June 2014, they wanted their new building to fit like a glove. So, we came in, plans in hand, to customize their electrical and data requirements. We went everywhere, from office space to the work shop, to optimize environmental conditions and set up electrical circuits for their welder and metal fabrication specialty equipment.

Later in the year, we followed suit on a similar initiative for Metal Arts Machine Company when they settled into Metal Arts, LLC’s recently vacated building in October, and needed specific modifications so they could enjoy a glove fit, too.

Details don’t happen in the dark

As you can imagine, custom fabricating metal to precise specifications is no walk in the park. So, Shaun Huibsch, Properties Manager of Metal Arts, LLC called on Young Electric again in October to help them create a safer environment in their east bay area, where the finest of detail work occurs.

We upgraded their lighting systems to increase average foot candle lighting levels by 400% (in laymen terms, we made everything much brighter and safer!). The lighting upgrade helps Metal Arts craftsmen see the finely detailed handrails, stairs, and all their quality work. In fact, any time Young Electric needs a custom bracket, guard, aerial conduit rack support, or transformer stand, we always call Metal Arts.

The latest
The more we work with customers, the better we know their business. With Metal Arts, just last week we were back in one of their buildings completing a center bay lighting upgrade.
Hats off to everyone at Metal Arts for their attention to detail and safety over the course of our relationship. Here at Young Electric, we’d like to think we’re cut from the same cloth.

Find more before-and-after shots from our work with Metal Arts here.